Saturday, December 4, 2010

Videos as visualized educational resources

Life on the Internet can be quite colorful and entertaining. Some do blogging, some chat with friends, some have online classes, and some search for information. Someone found that 69% of internet users watched or downloaded video online; 14% had posted videos. Online video is playing an important role, not only in amusement, but also in education. 
Several reasons lead to the prevailing of videos. First, technology has rendered many of the processes of media creation, distribution, and consumption faster and less costly than ever before. Second, public expectations about the availability of media have grown to the point that many people consume and freely exchagne media property - including private, copyrighted property - each day in the course of their personal and professional lives. Third, new companies, enterprises, and initiatives regularly exert game-changing influence in film and elecrtonic media.
The most popular online videos are comedy or humorous videos, with 50% of online adults reporting to have watched. Educational videos has gained its proportion from 22% to 38%, between the year of 2007 and 2009. Older video watchers, in contrast, are more likely than 18-29 year-olds to spend their time watching news video and educational videos. They are just as likely as the youngest adults to upload video. And internet users with at least some college education are more likely to upload video than are those with less education. Someone describes our cultural shift today as one from book literacy to screen fluency where video is the new vernacular - a "world beyond words."
The copy right issue is always important. The majority uploaders are not concerned that someone might copy or use their video without permission (Just 15% are very concerned about potential copy or use of their video). This is in line with the feature of video sharing sites. The most popular sites for video uploading are social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook (52%) and video-sharing sites like YouTube or Google Video (49%).
Video is an important format of education resources. But videos are not systematically integrated to instruction. There is a demand for digital video assets among faculty. However, they lack identifiable, high-quality content libraries and simple, reliable tools for customizing the video to their curricula. Faculty report that they want to have a central role in determining and ideally customizing the content in their libraries. It maybe a feasible way for faculty and librarians to collaborate in the creation of video resources, with the support of advertisers.

Relevant articles:
Kristen Purcell (2010, June 3). The State of Online Video. Pew Internet & American 
      Life Project. Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Peter B. Kaughman and Jen Mohan (2009, June). Video Use and Higher Education: 
      Options for the Future. 

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